First Ob/Gyn Appointment

November 28, 2007 at 6:45 am (Appointment) (, , )

Yesterday was my first prenatal checkup. I went to Gleneagles, seeing Dr Nik, or rather Dato’ Paduka Dr Nik. It was my first time ever having my stomach scanned (using ultrasound), searching for the teeny tiny baby inside the womb. The baby was soooo small, about 5.6 mm I was told by the doctor. That’s not even a cm!  From the size of the baby & the womb from the ultrasound, it is estimated that the baby in miniature (called the embryo) is already 6 weeks and 4 days through. So today, that makes the baby 6 weeks and 5 days.

From the ultrasound, it is also estimated that my due date is going to be on 18th July 2008. Wow. Upon writing this, I’m still in disbelieve that I’m actually carrying a baby within me! From the ultrasound screen, I can see the baby ‘blinking’. That’s actually the baby’s heart, beating. And then Dr Nik turned on the amplifier (it must be), so that I could hear the sound of the baby’s heart beat. At that moment, I’m not sure whether to believe that that was the sound of my baby’s heart beat or mine. Haha :P. It was miraculous, and loud as well 😀

Dr Nik also asked some questions regarding my medical history, on whether I have any surgical history (nil) , whether I have any allergies (oh yes I do. I’m allergic to dust & dustmites, some metals – nickel I think, or the ones used to make contume jewelry chain, plastic I think, some kind of rubber, and some other things that I haven’t encountered before :D), immediate family medical history, whether I gained any extra weight since I found out that I’m pregnant (yes I did, about 1.3kg extra), the first day of my last period (4th Oct), my period cycle, the first day that I tested/found out that I am pregnant (Wednesday, 21st Nov 2007 ), when was I married (3rd Feb 2007), and some other stuff that I couldn’t quite recall.

He also said that I can eat anything that I want. Really. Hehe. Some doctor eh. But, I should avoid  spicy and oily food if I’m having heavy morning sickness (which translate to a lot of vomitting. Yucks. I know.)

That’s about it.

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